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The Sun Exchange - exchanging innovation for green energy

With a few clicks, one can buy solar cells that power businesses and organisations in sunny emerging markets all while earning from the clean electricity being generated.

By joining a global community from all corners of the world that's solar powering the planet, and creating a sustainable energy future, the Sun Exchange allows you to choose a vetted solar project that inspires you - power businesses, schools, conservation parks, farms, supermarkets, retirement homes, nonprofits and more.

Besides the cleverly structured business model allowing all the keen green investors to jump on board a great initiative for driving clean energy usage (and earn while they're at it!), the Sun Exchange is here for the businesses of all kinds too.

Initiating a green setup for your business by taking operations off grid are not only costly in the initial stages, but too pose the issue of well sustained maintenance over the long term to ensure that their solar continues to work for them by keeping operations running while cutting power costs. This is where Sun Exchange step in, to take the setup capital and maintenance costs and hurdles out of your hands - for the long term.

Vinousbosch Technologies has stepped in to help ensure that our agricultural industry (including wine) has the opportunity to meet the team first hand, to ensure they have the best possible chance at better long term business sustainability options and opportunities, and to assist in the resurrection of a harshly knocked wine industry in particular post-Covid.

Boland Cellar goes Solar

As we slowly expose the opportunities and options across the industry, we feel confident that together, we can drive a more sustainable future for not only South Africa's agricultural sector independent of grid reliability, but especially for our wine industry which could benefit from cost reductions to keep our proudly South African presence securely abroad.

Read more on the Sun Exchange and the solar setup at Boland Cellar here.

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